Teacher Survival Kits and Student Welcome


Have a student teacher or a secret pal? Give him/her this little survival kit. Place all items in a brown lunch bag along with this handout:

1. When it spills, wipe it (paper towel)

2. When it cries or sneezes, dry it (tissue)

3. When it bleeds bandage it (Band-Aid)

4. When it needs a hug and a kiss, give it (candy kiss)

5. When it rips, pin it (safety pin)

6. When it’s sour, sweeten it (pack of sugar)

7. When it’s wrong, erase it (eraser)

8. When it pounds, soothe it (aspirin)

9. When it hurts, grin and “bear” it (bear sticker)

10. When it’s important, write it down (note pad sheet)

11. When it’s a good day, chalk it up (piece of chalk)

12. When it’s a bad day, ask God for strength and hope for a better day tomorrow (nothing is found in the survival kit for this need – it comes only from the heart and soul of the teacher).

13. When it’s gossip, cut it out and dispose of it (word gossip on a sheet of paper with cutting dashes around it)


Place the items described below in a brown lunch bag and include this handout:

The items in this bag have special meaning:

The cotton ball is to remind you that this room is full of kind words and warm feelings.

The chocolate kiss is to comfort you when you are feeling sad.

The tissue is to remind you to help dry someone’s tears.

The sticker is to remind you that we all stick together and help each other.

The star is to remind you to shine and always try your best.

The gold thread is to remind you that friendship ties our hearts together.

The rubber band is to remind you to hug someone.

The penny is to remind you that you are valuable and special.

The toothpick is to remind you to “pick out” the good qualities in your classmates.

The bandage is to heal hurt feelings in your friends and in yourself.

The eraser is to remind you that we all make mistakes, and that is O.K.

The life saver is to remind you that you can come to me if you need someone to talk to.

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